
Resources to Equip You in your Walk with the Lord

"All of life and  ministry should flow from the secret place." 
- Duke Lamastra

Article: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone


The believer’s life is characterized by taking risk and by often being uncomfortable. Why? Because that’s where life happens! God wants you to experience adventure. He designed you to experience breakthrough after breakthrough. He wants your life to be characterized by believing Him for the impossible, seeing breakthrough take place in partnership with Him, going from glory to glory and grace to grace!

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More Articles by Duke Lamastra

Hearing God's Voice

As a child of God, you have a right to hear from heaven. You are made in God's image, and therefore, have the intrinsic ability to hear God's voice. 

You Were Born to Hear

Stop "Trying" to Hear God!

The Holy Spirit's "Nudge"

Kingdom Culture

Jesus taught His disciples to love, honor, and serve. This is the heartbeat of the Kingdom and how WE demonstrate the nature of the Father.

Made in the Image of Love

Practical Servanthood

The Power of Forgiveness

Power for Miracles

Jesus healed and demonstrated the Kingdom everywhere He went. He then said that WE would do the same and even greater works.

Conduit for God's Power

Healing the Sick

Powerful Healing Testimony

Jesus' First Miracle

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